Research Projects

IRES² project

The IRES² project research utilizes the intellectual vitality of our university’s graduate school, which has graduate students and young researchers. In doing so, its aims are to promote original and creative research and development with an entrepreneurial mindset by cooperating with various researchers beyond the boundaries set by graduate school; promote the development of creative human resources with highly specialized vocational skills; and conduct research and development that leads to interdisciplinary research, industry-academia collaboration, and social contributions.

Main research themes

1) Development and research of functionally integrated intelligent devices using LSI factory
2) Cutting-edge interdisciplinary research and development with a perspective toward the next generation
3) Research and development that utilizes IRES² research facilities and equipment
Those selected for the project research will have access to the following IRES² / VBL resources:

Physical resources (facilities and equipment)

 Functional integrated device process room, solid state functional device facility, shared use laboratory (1)–(3), and other facilities and equipment within VBL
 *Please refer to the VBL website for details on how to use the physical resources at VBL

 Bio-related experimental equipment such as confocal laser microscopes, various measurement and analysis equipment, and manufacturing devices and equipment for compound semiconductor devices and MEMS devices
 *Physical resources within IRES² must be used with the consent of the faculty member in charge


*Please see the Advanced Research Infrastructure Sharing Promotion Project for a detailed device list

Research Projects List