Students from Shizuoka City Shimizu Sakuragaoka High School visited the LSI fab

 On July 14, 2023, students from Shimizu Sakuragaoka High School in Shizuoka City, Japaisited the Institute and other research laboratories.
Forty students visited the Institute and were guided through the semiconductor integrated circuit facilities and equipment at the LSI fab by Director Kazuaki Sawada and Professor Kazuhiro Takahashi of the Institute, and Associate Professor Keisuke Yamane and Associate Professor Young-Jun Choi of the Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering Department.
 After the tour, students commented, “It was good to learn a lot about semiconductors,” and “I thought the research on semiconductors was valuable.

 We will continue to welcome high school students to our institute in the future.

*静岡市立清水桜が丘高等学校 生徒がLSI工場を見学されました | IRES² 次世代半導体・センサ科学研究所 豊橋技術科学大学 (

News  2023.07.20