2023/11/27 Institute for Research on Next-generation Semiconductor and Sensing Science Special Lecture

(Event has ended)

 The LSI fab of the Institute for Research on Next-generation Semiconductor and Sensing Science is promoting education for semiconductor engineers. As part of this effort, we are pleased to invite Mr. Shintaro Yamamichi, Executive Director of IBM Japan, Ltd. as follows to give a tee time seminar as a special lecture for students and young researchers.

Date : Monday, November 27, 14:00-15:00
Venue :Project Research Exchange Room, Venture Business Laboratory 3F
Registration : Not required
Participation fee : Free



Speech: Mr. Shintaro Yamamichi, Director, IBM Japan, Director, Shinkawasaki Operations, Tokyo Research Laboratory, IBM Japan, Ltd.

   Prospects for next generation semiconductor projects in Japan
   2. What we wish for young engineers (including students)
   3. Q&A

   *This session will be held in the form of a talk.


<Contact Information
 Toyohashi University of Technology
 Tel/Fax : 0532-44-6974
 Contact: office ]at[ eiiris.tut.ac.jp


*2023/11/27 次世代半導体・センサ科学研究所 特別講演会 | IRES² 次世代半導体・センサ科学研究所 豊橋技術科学大学 (tut.ac.jp)

Event  2023.11.20